Keto Steamed Oyster Mushrooms with Vegetables and Spices

Very quick-to-make, nutritious snack for a busy family.
Time of preparation no more than 10 minutes!
Why oyster mushrooms? Though, oyster mushrooms don’t have a lot of flavor on their own, they’re perfect for light, nutritious and quick-to-make base for any kind of dish. They are very delicious cooked with vegetables and flavored by spices as well as can be beneficial to the body since help to break down toxic chemicals.

If you like to pick up mushrooms in a forest or even want to grow mushrooms yourself anywhere at home – oyster mushrooms is the right choice.
I found the best in price and quality easy-to-grow organic mushrooms kit to get the own oyster mushrooms ready at home in just 10 days here Buy now on Amazon!

How to cook oyster mushrooms with vegetables and spices

• 1 bunch of oyster mushrooms (about a half of 1 kilo)
• 3 fresh or canned tomatoes
• 1 tsp of a ginger powder
• 2 red or yellow bell peppers
• thyme
• 1 chili pepper

Simply easy cooking:

Slice the washed mushrooms, tomatoes and bell peppers.
2. Put the oyster mushrooms into a pot with olive oil and cover it with some water. Let it steamed or cooked for about 5 minutes.
3. Put the prepared with olive oil vegetables into the pot and boil it together with the mushrooms for 3-5 minutes.
4. Add ginger and other spices you like
4. Even more delicious if dressed with olive oil and fresh lemon juice!
5. Decorate with herbs if you like 🙂

Enjoy your time and meal! 🙂


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