Immunity Boosting Solution :)

Smoking even passive have the affect to the our immune system since it affects lungs so a smoker or even passive smoker have more chances of getting any of viruses or infections as well as bronchitis, flu, COVID 19, easier chances of getting pneumonia, or other viral illness. The lungs are lined with tiny little hair-like projections called cilia that can help clear lungs from phlegm and move microbes and debris up and out of the airways. Respiratory cilia are also one of the first contact points between inhaled pathogens. However, the heat from smoking causes its disfunction, and respiratory cilia that are the only driving force of the mucociliary escalator, working in conjunction with secreted airway mucus, may became out of work, increasing ability to respiratory infections. Common respiratory pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, have been shown to target cilia and/or ciliated airway epithelial cells, resulting in a disruption of mucociliary clearance that may facilitate infection.

That is why if you quit smoking when those things start waking up, you may start bringing up a lot of phlegm and congestion from your chest. So, quit smoking as soon as possible to support the biological functions of cilia relating to their potential immune regulation during any possible respiratory infection.  

Quit and save your and our immunity! 🙂


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